Monday 2 September 2024




Free security scanning tool for Oracle APEX

Just a note that APEX SERT for Oracle APEX 24.1 is available for download.

Better late than never ;)

Install, share, secure your apps and provide feedback ;)

Happy APEXing,


Saturday 20 April 2024




Free security scanning tool for Oracle APEX

Just a note that APEX SERT for APEX 23.2 is available for download.

Anyone who is on APEX 23.2 this is the correct SERT version to be on.

Install, share and provide feedback ;)

Happy APEXing,



Sunday 17 March 2024

Oracle APEX and Adobe Sign integration - part 3


Oracle APEX and Adobe Sign electronic signature integration

Retrieving the access Token


In the first two parts we learned how we can let end users authorize your APEX app to send request to Adobe which resulted in code being returned to us. This was then used as a token to retrieve access and refresh tokens which we will be using going forward.

Before we proceed further at this stage we need a document that we want people to sign. If you are already on AOP this would be the place and time to generate the document perhaps store it in a table so that we can send it to Adobe API.

How you generate your document is irrelevant for this post. What I have done is simply found one document uploaded it into a table and I will use this blob column as a document in my calls. 

select output_blob into l_file_blob from doc_output where filename = 'output.pdf';

From Adobe perspective first step is to upload this document into 'temporary storage' using

There are few interesting pieces to this API so let's look into PL/SQL side. According to the documentation there are three parameters we need to send in. 

Authorization - Bearer token which will hold out newly retrieved access token from part 2

File-Name - passed as text in REST body  

File - actual .pdf content

The PLSQL call could be something like

And response will be in this format

{transientDocumentId (string): The unique identifier of the uploaded document that can be used in an agreement or a bulk send or web form creation call}

What there is to know about this transient document in Adobe, well it is a temporary place where document will be kept only for couple of days before being removed. 
Once we retrieve the transientDocumentId we can finally send document to be signed using /agreements API

Put in PLSQL call as

What we are doing actually, in Adobe, is creating an agreement. Why is this? Look at it as part of how this Adobe workflow works.
It would result in people receiving an email with a request to sign the document. 

User would click on the email received, sign the document 

After it the requester would receive an email that it has been signed and end user would also receive an email with a chance to download the final file.
Downloaded document...

Of course there is lots more to it now, like for example multiple signatures or how do we know on database side that this event happened or what is the status of the document and many more APIs to explore. 

If you followed posts about DocuSign we talked more about web-hooks and how it works but this is a story for another time.
Happy APEXing,

Friday 15 March 2024

Oracle APEX and Adobe Sign integration - part 2

Oracle APEX and Adobe Sign electronic signature integration

Retrieving the access Token


Now that we have verified that our ORDS REST redirect call is functioning as expected we need to try doing the same using the full Adobe OAuth process.

Again the simplest way is add another button called Request authorization to your page which will be submitting the page or redirecting to URL should work too. 

Add a post processing branch that redirects to





Make sure you replace client ID with your client ID and that redirect URI matches URI you used in Adobe application settings under configure OAuth up to the ../redirect part. 

Only once you updated your Adobe settings will things start to work. Scope parameter is more explained on Adobe site. I simply added all of them.
Now add a page item called CODE which will store the value of the code that is sent back to APEX from Adobe once user has accepted and allowed APEX to access their details. 

Run your page and click on Request Authorization button. you should be redirected to Adobe login; redirected back and landed on the same page with page item Code now containing information we need to provide to finally retrieve an Access Token.

At this stage we are back to the place which we are familiar with, it only comes down to calling and consuming Adobe REST APIs using apex_web_service API.
One last thing to remember is that Code returned by Adobe is only valid for next 5 minutes. So let's get going onto the next important part and that is getting the access token.
Let's create another button called Access token, that will submit the page and execute Get Adobe Access token process with this PLSQL.

Create an PXX_ACCESS_TOKEN page item. Run the page. If your code has expired you might have to rerun the process from step 1 before clicking on the new button. 

Important to note is that adobe redirects people based on the location to different urls, I had to use you need to replace yours to one that maps to your location.

This REST API will result in JSON response like 
   "api_access_point ":"",
and at this stage there is an important information we need to store going forward. This is a refresh token. Why? 
Refresh token has a life span of 60 days meaning instead of repeating this process from scratch we can use refresh token to later on request a new access token which is used as Bearer token in next API calls. 

Just an FYI, refresh token can be sent in a call as

l_response := apex_web_service.make_rest_request 
(p_url => '',
 p_http_method  => 'POST',
 p_body =>  'grant_type=refresh_token'
         || '&refresh_token=' || :PX_REFRESH_TOKEN
         || '&client_id=' || l_client_id
         || '&client_secret=' || l_client_secret

So if Access token is expired we can use refresh token to retrieve a new access token. Each time refresh token is utilized it extends its validity for another 60 days. In ideal world this might mean that if user uses the app on regular bases request authorization process might not ever be needed again.
Now we are ready to start uploading our first document.

Happy APEXing,

Wednesday 13 March 2024

Oracle APEX and Adobe Sign integration - part 1


Oracle APEX and Adobe Sign electronic signature integration

Getting your documents signed electronically

Back in 2017 I had an opportunity to write about DocuSign integration with Oracle APEX and documents generated with AOP. This time around it is the post about its alternative Adobe Sign
How do we integrate Adobe Sign and electronic signature with our APEX apps? 
Before we get started first thing we need to do is read/visit an extensive documentation on Adobe website. 
After initial intro from Adobe you should have an idea how things work. As usual we typically have to sign up for the service and create an application which will be authorized and configured to interact to your APEX app. To simplify this process I am using here where all ACL and configs have been already done for me. For a demo test run I do not need anything else. 
Great thing is that Adobe provide us with a developer account to try things out, test it out before moving things forward.

Following the instructions I created an app called APEX_SIGNATURE

Here there are two separate parts - one is hidden under View/edit and second one is under Configure OAuth for Application
If you created one application and click on View/edit here you will find your two most important parameters ClientID and client secret. Write these down somewhere as we will need them later on. 

Under Configure OAuth link you will find a Redirect URL which you will have to change/configure but we come to it shortly. 
Adobe OAuth application request permissions

Before we can do anything in Adobe with signatures there is a small process we need to go through. Process requires that the our application requests permissions from the end user before performing any actions on their behalf.  More is described in details here
If we look closely /public/oauth API you will see that it has an input parameter called redirect_uri which we will need to provide among few other. Why is this?

An example would be:
How Adobe Authorization request process works is, we will make the call to Adobe Authorization API and it will redirect all users to sign into the adobe to allow future requests from our APEX apps. 
Once you retrieve your Client ID you can initiate this process from a browser. After initial Adobe login screens user will be provided with the screen like bellow.

Okay but thinking about it, how do we handle this from within our APEX apps. 

Imagine I am a logged in end user, I click on a button to authorize Adobe Sign use from this app this redirects me to Adobe sign website where I type in my Adobe login details. Perfect, no issues so far but after I click on 'Allow', it will send me back to my APEX app!?? 
This will for sure break my session and kick me out of the screen where I initiated this process. If you didn't come across this scenario before, it may be unusual but we had it on few other REST API integrations too like Xero for example. 
Before we go any deeper we need to figure out how to bypass this problem. 
I mentioned earlier the config of REDIRECT URI under developer account that we can set as part of our Adobe application configuration. This is the same url we can now use during first authorization call to adobe authorization process.  If you do not configure and align these two redirect URLs, things will not work as it requires us to authorize the URI used in the process. 
Since this URI in my Adobe application is not dynamic, meaning I can not provide dynamically my APEX session ID for example, we need a way of doing this somehow differently.
In Adobe documentation they say 
When your customer initiates the OAuth process by clicking your app’s Sign link, their browser redirects to the redirect_uri specified in the initial request. Query string parameters are added to indicate whether the request succeed or failed.
This is something we can use for sure. 
What is basically telling us is, there is an in/out state parameter that goes in which then will be added/returned unchanged to the end of URI we provided under redirect_uri along side of code as second out parameter. This is if things went well else we will have an additional error parameter returned.
The Code value that is returned as an out parameter is the 'first golden' token returned to us, which then can be used to retrieve the Authorization Token needed before anything useful can happen in Adobe.

I know they could not make this any easier, right? 
Back to the APEX problem, if I provide my session ID to this state parameter I should be in theory able to redirect my users to the same app not requiring another login.
First idea was that I could generate a potential one-time generated token that could be reused to then re-login my end user. But there is a simpler way too. 
I could use APEX REST api to redirect my end user to and APEX link which will include the session id on it too. State and Code output parameters would then simply become URI sting based REST parameters which we can and know how to handle.
If all is done correctly this should bring the end use back on to the screen where the process was started. Brilliant!

Let's look now how we can build one of these REST APIs that can be used as redirect_uri parameter for calls similar to this one.

Create a REST service like:
Resource handler is GET with source type PLSQL. 

That has parameters

If you invoke your REST url from your APEX application now.
I created an app with a home page where I created a button that redirects me back to this url:

Why did I use code and state as parameters, this will be added on by Adobe and we are simulating the same scenario. It should redirect you back to the same page you were on without the login.

Once this is working we can look into calling the Adobe URL with all necessary parameters. This is for the next time.
Hope it saves you time;
Happy APEXing,
Thank you Garry.

Wednesday 10 January 2024

Getting different results in APEX app vs SQL Commands/database - default conversion?


Oracle APEX vs SQL Commands/database execution - default conversion

Getting different results?

Another one for the books. You have a procedure or a function that someone developed which runs in APEX application without any problems. 
Someone gives you to change a smallest piece in it and you are ready to test it. You take the same code and try to run it in SQL commands or in your SQL developer. 
All of the sudden some strange database errors come up like typically ORA-01843 not a valid month.

You make sure parameters you pass in are correct? Check. 
You are sure all other things are set correctly as in your APEX app? Check.
One in APEX runs fine where this one will not and you are losing your patience/time finding why this error is now occurring. 
This is a beauty of implicit conversions which I am sure you heard earlier about. Meaning if you do not follow standards across all of your code, default conversions might be happening between these different environments that you are not expecting and that your code is not handling well but you just didn't notice it.
What do I mean? Well if you run your code in APEX and it works there might be some default date format settings that differ from your local database or SQL commands settings. As soon as this is the case there might be issues in your code if implicit conversions are being used over providing explicit formatting especially when dates are involved.
Okay but how do we confirm this theory? Easiest possible way would be create a region in APEX and check what it does in this situation

You will get a result in a page like 10-JAN-24 in my example. 
Which means your APEX NLS_DATE_FORMAT could be "DD-MON-RR". 
This is typically set on application globalization settings. If left empty they might be defaulting to this.

Cool lets see what SQL commands now says about the same thing.

In my case I got 01/10/2024 which indicates MM/DD/YYYY as a default format. What do you think will happen when your data do not match one of the two formats - clearly you would get an error. 

Of course in most cases you would look deep under into where exact problem is and apply appropriate formats to align both sides and problem would go away.
Now it may seem obvious but on the other hand you can spend hours debugging and looking for why it works in one where it doesn't work in the other. 
It is important to remember these settings can differ and cause you issues. Like it was in my case. Even though it is clear to everyone why it happens it might not ring a bell in the head at the right moment.
Problem also was that I wasn't able to change/fix root cause of this error and that all that was needed was to make thing tested and give back to the team. 
So how do we make it work to force required date format on SQL commands side too. Before the call to your procedure in your SQL commands session you can execute

and after this it will run without errors; exactly as it does in your APEX session.
Hope it saves your time; Thank you Garry.
Happy APEXing,

Monday 4 December 2023

Oracle APEX Classic report Card template - card link


Oracle APEX Classic report Card template - card link

Making your card be a link?

This one is more for my reference as it comes handy on many occasions.
You made a classic report with a card template based on a query and you want your card title link to be applied on card level?
Quick cookbook:
  1. create region based on a query
  2. pick one column and make it a link using column settings for example card_title
  3. Create After Refresh region Dynamic action and this JS to it
$('.t-Card-title a').each(function(index) {
   lnk = $(this).attr('href');
          .attr('data-href', lnk)
            $(this).css('cursor', 'pointer');
            $(this).css('cursor', 'default');
Similar technique can be applied to IR report with different selectors. 
Happy APEXing,