Wednesday, 29 January 2014

When to start blogging?

It is hard to point out what is the best time for a person to start a personal blog but I decided to take up the challenge and start my own Oracle APEX blog. 

As much time will allow I will be using this as an 'online library' for all of my tips & tricks that I honestly believe might be of some help to some of you out there either if just starting with APEX or if you are well under way. 

After all most things are ALREADY OUT THERE now it is a matter of being able to find it in a right moment. This is why this is just another APEX blog to help to share whatever knowledge is there in APEX development world. 

My latest interests - APEX 4.2/5.0 and integration with Ext JS 4.x.

Hope to have more updates for you soon.
