Sunday, 17 March 2024

Oracle APEX and Adobe Sign integration - part 3


Oracle APEX and Adobe Sign electronic signature integration

Retrieving the access Token


In the first two parts we learned how we can let end users authorize your APEX app to send request to Adobe which resulted in code being returned to us. This was then used as a token to retrieve access and refresh tokens which we will be using going forward.

Before we proceed further at this stage we need a document that we want people to sign. If you are already on AOP this would be the place and time to generate the document perhaps store it in a table so that we can send it to Adobe API.

How you generate your document is irrelevant for this post. What I have done is simply found one document uploaded it into a table and I will use this blob column as a document in my calls. 

select output_blob into l_file_blob from doc_output where filename = 'output.pdf';

From Adobe perspective first step is to upload this document into 'temporary storage' using

There are few interesting pieces to this API so let's look into PL/SQL side. According to the documentation there are three parameters we need to send in. 

Authorization - Bearer token which will hold out newly retrieved access token from part 2

File-Name - passed as text in REST body  

File - actual .pdf content

The PLSQL call could be something like

And response will be in this format

{transientDocumentId (string): The unique identifier of the uploaded document that can be used in an agreement or a bulk send or web form creation call}

What there is to know about this transient document in Adobe, well it is a temporary place where document will be kept only for couple of days before being removed. 
Once we retrieve the transientDocumentId we can finally send document to be signed using /agreements API

Put in PLSQL call as

What we are doing actually, in Adobe, is creating an agreement. Why is this? Look at it as part of how this Adobe workflow works.
It would result in people receiving an email with a request to sign the document. 

User would click on the email received, sign the document 

After it the requester would receive an email that it has been signed and end user would also receive an email with a chance to download the final file.
Downloaded document...

Of course there is lots more to it now, like for example multiple signatures or how do we know on database side that this event happened or what is the status of the document and many more APIs to explore. 

If you followed posts about DocuSign we talked more about web-hooks and how it works but this is a story for another time.
Happy APEXing,

1 comment:

  1. Great guide on integrating Oracle APEX with Adobe Sign! For reliable hosting solutions, visit AmbitionHost.
