IG toolbar customization
Life-saving Interactive grid tips
Reduce IG initialization code ideas
Further to my previous post just an idea on how to configure and change your Interactive Grid toolbar by also avoiding to use JavaScript initialization code for the same reason.
Luckily you do not need to create a plugin as this has already been done by Marko Goricki.
Usually what we would do is used something similar to:
function(config) {
var $ = apex.jQuery,
toolbarData = $.apex.interactiveGrid.copyDefaultToolbar(),
toolbarGroup = toolbarData.toolbarFind("actions4");
// add a Download button next to the Reset button
toolbarGroup.controls.push( {
type: "BUTTON",
action: "show-download-dialog"
config.toolbarData = toolbarData;
return config;
This example shows how to add Download button to your IG toolbars. In order to reduce this being copied across you can use On page load function similar to:
function addToolbarButton(groupName, regionID){
// get plugin attributes
var vGroup = groupName;
// get Region
var vRegionId = regionID;
// Get Widget
var vWidget$ = apex.region(vRegionId).widget();
// Grid created
var toolbar = vWidget$.interactiveGrid("getToolbar");
var vaButton = {
type: "BUTTON",
action: "show-download-dialog"
let config = $.extend(true, {}, toolbar.toolbar('option'))
var toolbarData = config.data;
var toolbarGroup = toolbarData.filter(function (group) {
return group.id === vGroup
toolbar.toolbar('option', 'data', config.data);
// refresh grid
when we want to do the same but from a function. And then just trigger on page load using addToolbarButton('actions4','dept');
It does make more sense to use Marko's plugin so use the above as an example only. ;)
Please make sure you check out apex.world for latest plugins.
Happy APEXing,
p.s all credits of the addButton code go to Marko. Thank you for an awesome plugin!
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